Wendy McCarthy


Virginia chats with an exceptional icon of Australian feminism - Wendy McCarthy AO.

Wendy is perhaps most fated for her mentorship of hundreds, if not thousands, of women executives, business leaders, political aspirants and MP’s. 

She has sat on dozens of corporate and not-for-profit boards with national and global leadership roles in health, heritage, arts, aid and development, family planning and abortion rights, media, and even Australia’s beloved Circus Oz.

Wendy was Deputy Chair of the ABC for eight years, and Chancellor of the University of Canberra for 10. She was also Chair of Plan International Australia and Deputy Chair of Plan Global, as well as Deputy Chair of the Advisory Committee at the WHO Kobe Centre, Japan.

But this indefatigable woman, who is about to turn 80 years old, shows absolutely no sign of slowing down. And with half a century of feminist activism under her belt, she has never stopped fighting the good fight.

BroadTalk is presented by Virginia Haussegger AM. It is produced by Martyn Pearce for BroadTalk Media.

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Elizabeth Ames


Julia Banks