Chris Wallace, Jenna Price, and Helen Dalley-Fisher


It's week four of Australia's Federal election campaign and we've made it past the half way mark. Give yourself a big pat on the back for your perseverance, and enjoy this week's outstanding panel casting a razor-sharp gender lens over the week that was.

Joining Virginia Haussegger AM this week to discuss the election meme war, the big issues for women and whether they are being addressed, and what happens if the Teal Independents fail, are:

Dr Jenna Price is an Australian journalist and academic. She is a visiting fellow at the Australian National University and columnist for The Sydney Morning Herald and Canberra Times columnist. Jenna is one of the founders of the online feminist movement, Destroy The Joint.

Dr Chris Wallace is a writer, historian, former press gallery journalist and Associate Professor at the 50/50 By 2030 Foundation, University of Canberra. She wrote the first biography of Germaine Greer, ‘Untamed Shrew’ and has authored several books since. Her latest, “How to Win an Election” is the secret bible of current election campaign directors. Or, if it isn’t, it jolly well should be!

Helen Dalley-Fisher is the Convenor of the Equality Rights Alliance based in Canberra. ERA is Australia’s largest network of organisations advocating for women’s equality and leadership. Before ERA, Helen trained in law and worked in the community legal sector, where she specialised disability discrimination.

BroadTalk is presented by Virginia Haussegger AM. It is produced by Martyn Pearce for BroadTalk Media.

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Sally Moyle, Helen Dalley-Fisher, and Jill Marsh


Yasmin Poole, Georgie Dent & Jane Caro